Focus on What you Gain from Exercise, Not What you Lose.

Focus on What you Gain from Exercise, Not What you Lose.

One of the main reasons people report that they quit exercising is that it’s “not working.” In the very narrow definition of “not working,” most of them mean they they’re not losing any weight. Let me be honest, there are people who exercise for years and never lose any weight. However, the most important reason to exercise is not simply to lose weight. It is to get (and stay) healthy. By implementing a regular exercise routine into your daily lifestyle you will not only look better, but feel better! By taking the focus off what you may not be losing and instead focusing on everything you have to gain, you can gain a whole new motivation for sticking with regular exercise. Here is a short list of the healthy benefits to focus on to keep you motivated to keep on keepin on with your fitness.

  • Increased muscle strength
  • Improved balance
  • Improved cardiovascular system – your heart and lungs operate more efficiently.
  • Improved brain function – the increased circulation has been proven to improve memory and cognitive ability.
  • Improved bone density
  • Decreased risk for a MANY diseases
  • Decreased arthritis pain
  • Improved mood (we all need a dose of this during the holidays!)
  • Increased energy
  • Have fun!

This is a very short list of the benefits your body will receive from regular exercise. Try to focus on these to keep you motivated through the holidays and through the cold winter months!

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