Now for the Cool-down!

Now for the Cool-down!

As important as it is to engage in a proper warm-up prior to exercise, it is equally important to complete a cool-down at the end of your sessions. The main reason people may skip the cool-down is time. We all lead busy lives and need to use our time wisely. However, it does not need to take much time and even devoting 5 minutes to a lower intensity will have many benefits to your health. Whatever exercise you may be doing for the day, simply go slower. If you’ve been running, walk for 5 minutes. If you’ve been cycling, or at a spin class, slow down and spin your legs out. If you’ve been strength training, do some stretches for those muscles and walk around the gym a few times. Whatever you do, do it at a lower intensity and do it mindfully. Pay attention to your body.


1.     Reduce the Possibility of Light-headedness or Fainting: When we are exercising, our bodies are working hard to pump a lot of blood to our working muscles. The body temperature is elevated and blood vessels are dilated. The veins, which return the blood that’s been used back to the heart, rely on muscle pumps of our working muscles to help pump the blood back up against gravity. If we stop exercising quickly, those muscle pumps are no longer able to assist the blood in the return to the heart. Blood can pool in the lower extremities, less blood returns to the heart and therefore the brain, and you can feel light-headed or actually faint. This is especially prevalent in the aging population and those with cardiovascular disease.

2.     Help Avoid Abnormal Heart Rhythms and Cardiac Arrest: While warming up at the beginning of your workout diminishes stress on your heart, cooling down has the same effect at the end of your workout. The more gradually we transition to and from these different phases, the more we give the heart a chance to transition and work as effectively as possible. Allow your HR and BP to return to normal slowly and they will continue to supply our recovering bodies with the necessary oxygen and nutrients needed to recover appropriately.

3.     Your Muscles will Thank you. Cooling the body down gradually can help to reduce muscle soreness following a workout.  Skeletal muscle is much more pliable or flexible during this time, as the blood vessels are dilated and our bodies are warm. Take time to stretch following each and every workout. Stretching can reduce the build-up of lactic acid which can lead to cramping and “stiffness.”

4.     Reap the Psychological Benefits: There are many emotional benefits to exercise. While cooling down prepares our muscles and cardiovascular system for completion of exercise, it also helps restore a sense of balance and normalcy psychologically. It enables our brain to release the “feel-good” chemicals or endorphins, associated with physical activity. Use this time to congratulate yourself on a great workout and feel good about it! 

Fitbit Activity + Sleep Trackers
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