Is your Dog Fit? 5 Reasons You Need to Exercise Your Dog

Is your Dog Fit? 5 Reasons You Need to Exercise Your Dog

Have you looked at your dog recently and felt that he/she could afford to lose a few pounds? Statistics show that the health and fitness of pets may be a reflection on the owner’s health. Obviously this is not always the case, but it may make you think twice. There are 83.3 million dogs owned as pets in the United States. 47% of US households own at least one dog. That’s a lot of dogs and a lot of owners who ALL need to exercise daily. Here are 5 reasons why you should get outside with your 4-legged pal, and get moving!

Dog Exercise

1.  Improve your dog’s behavior: A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. I see it every day in my own dog. Rarely does a day go by that he does not get a good walk or run in. But if he doesn’t, he is much more likely to get into mischief if left alone. However, he is very relaxed, happy, and calm on the days that he receives adequate exercise.

2.  Improve your dog’s health: The obesity epidemic that we are seeing in Americans, young and old, is also being reflected in dogs and other pets. Proper exercise can help ward off diabetes, heart and lung disease, cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, and kidney disease. Exercise is much cheaper than putting your furry friend on medication. (Hint: This all goes for the dogs’ humans as well!)

Dog Exercise

3.  Mood Booster for You! Spending time outdoors is proven to lift your spirits. But seeing your happy dog and know that you’re doing a healthy service to him/her will also make you feel good!

4.  Give your yard a break! Ok, let’s be honest. Dogs need to GO. As owners, we have to pick up the remnants regardless. So let’s give our lawns a break and let the dogs go elsewhere! Just be sure to be a courteous dog owner and carry enough bags to pick up the mess and dispose of it in the proper places! Your well-manicured lawn will thank you (and so will your barefoot kids!). 

5.  YOU get exercise too!! Obviously the point of this blog post is to give you yet another reason to get moving yourself. Having a dog that needs daily exercise can sometimes be the kick-in-the-pants that you may need to get you up and out the door!

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