The Perfect Exercise:  5 Ways to Simplify the Push-up

The Perfect Exercise: 5 Ways to Simplify the Push-up

The Push-up has a long history of being the perfect exercise. I remember having to list out all the muscles that your body uses while doing the push-up during college and thinking to myself, “no wonder it’s so hard!” You literally have to recruit muscles all the way from the tips of your toes, to the top of your head! Plunging right into a full push-up that we typically think of can be a bit daunting, leaving many of us to skip it altogether! Below are 5 ways to ease your way into push-ups. By doing these modified versions, you ease up on some of the supporting muscles required to perform the “full version” and slowly build on them, training your body to become stronger! Work toward 3 sets of 10 with good form before moving on to try the next version.

1.    Counter-top push-ups: Stand near a sturdy surface, such as your kitchen counter or a sturdy railing. Stand 2-3 feet from the counter. Place your hands a little further than shoulder-width apart. Keep your neck and head in line with the rest of your spine. While maintaining this proper alignment, slowly lower your chest to the counter and press back up. Make sure you keep your shoulders down. Do not hunch. Do not dip your head. Do not dip your hips. Place your feet closer to the bar to decrease the intensity. Move your feet further out to increase the intensity.

2.    Bench push-ups on your knees:  Use a set of stairs, using the 3rd step or find a sturdy bench that is about chair height. Perform from your knees and repeat as above.

3.    Stair push-ups: Using a set of stairs, place your hands on the 4th or 5th step up. Follow the instructions from #1.

4.    Floor/Knee Push-ups: Perform this version on the floor. Start on your hands and knees and walk your hands forward a bit so your body makes a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Try to lower down to about a fist height from the floor. Press back up. Keep your feet uncrossed. Follow the instructions from #1.

5.    Fit ball push-ups with legs on ball:  Start doing this exercise on a soft, carpeted surface in case you lose your balance. From your tummy, roll forward so your hands are on the ground. Keep your hands closer to the ball to start.  As you become more confident, roll the ball further down your legs.

Remember to breathe! Breathe in as you lower down and breathe out as you press back up. If you start to be unable to maintain good form, stop and rest. It is much better to perform fewer repetitions with good form, than more repetitions with improper form. Check back next week for ways to intensify the classic push-up!

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