Change Your Focus


When you are presented with a new challenge, do you tend to see what’s wrong with it or why you wouldn’t be able to do it, before you see the positive attributes? Do you go through your day just checking things off the proverbial list, without ever experiencing the joy in your life? Here are 6 ways to stay positive throughout your day and ultimately lead a more joyful life.

Practice: Just like anything else in life, in order to make a change, you have to practice the new behavior. Start practicing with small things. Smile when you get up in the morning, when you are buying groceries, or any other time you are doing something mundane. Practice talking about positive things. Pracitce asking people about their day in a positive, upbeat manner.

Be Thankful: There are positive reasons that you do everything you do, even though you may not think of them in that light. For instance – there is always laundry to do; washing, drying, folding, putting away. But you have clothes to wear. You may have a family that wears these clothes. And you have more than one thing to choose from to wear. All good things! Similarly, you may groan about cleaning, dishes, going to work, picking up the kids, etc. Every one of these has a positive reason at its root. You just have to look deep enough and be thankful!

You decide: Happiness is a choice that is entirely up to you. No one can make you happy or sad. There are things that happen in each of our lives every day that we can choose to let bring us down or not! Choose happiness. Who knows? You just might make someone else feel happy too! 

Good Posture: It’s true! Here’s another reason your mother told you to sit up (even if it wasn’t for this reason). Straighten your spine, pull your shoulders back, tuck your chin and sit, stand, or walk with more confidence. This enables you to breathe more efficiently and can have an immediate effect on your overall demeanor, resulting in a more positive outlook on your day.

Breathe: Take a deep breath. Inhale slowly for a count of 3, hold for 1 count, and exhale slowly for a count of 3. Repeat 2 more times. Do you feel calmer? Shallow breathing can contribute to stress and anxiety. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a calming effect on the body. This simple act can allow you to step back, take a moment, and re-group, enabling you to focus on a more positive outlook on what you may be dealing with.

Exercise: Exercise helps to reduce the body’s adrenaline and cortisol levels, which are stress hormones. Importantly, it also elicits the production of endorphins in your body, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. Sometimes just a quick walk around the block will help if you are feeling stressed. Nothing makes me feel more positive and optimistic than a good resistance training session, hike, or run.

low row on ball

Life is too short to live in a constant state of unhappiness. Take a break. Enjoy life! Your body will thank you for it!

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