Beat the Heat!

Summer is in full swing and so are the temperatures! Getting outside to exercise can not only be uncomfortable, it can be dangerous. But if you’re like me, you want to be outside as much as possible to enjoy the fresh air, see the beautiful flowers and trees, and take advantage of not having to bundle up so much! There are many great reasons to get outside and exercise and it’s still possible if you follow these easy tips.

sunset exercise

·      Early morning or late evening hours: Morning is probably the best time to get out and take advantage of the cooler temps. But if you are just not a morning person, getting out after the sun goes down can also be a great time to log those miles.

·      Cover up: Wear a hat, a light-colored long-sleeved breathable top, and corresponding pants. The light colors, preferably white or light khaki, will help deflect the sun’s rays and keep you cooler.

·      Find Shade: Find a park or hiking trail that offers lots of trees to keep you covered. You could create your own loop or back and forth path for a great cardio workout. Or do an overall body-weight strength routine in the grass under the shade of a big tree.

·      Pool time: Many pools offer great water fitness classes throughout the summer. These typically are offered in the morning hours to avoid the heat of the day. Lap swimming is a fantastic way to get a whole-body workout. Check for open swim hours at your local aquatic centers.

·      Cooling scarves and towels: There are many great products out there designed to keep you cool in the heat. Scarves, towels, hats, wrist bands and more employ the use of evaporative cooling to make the heat more manageable.

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·      Hit the Gym: Heading inside to escape the heat may be your only option on those really sweltering days, or if your only time to workout is in the heat of the day. For added benefit, follow your workout up with a cold shower!  

Summer can offer many great opportunities to get and stay active. Get out there and try something new and find your own thing! 

Not Always Fun!

Not Always Fun!