


Move! This seems obvious right? But think about how much we DON'T move during a typical day, if we don't make a conscious effort to do so.  Our lives are becoming much easier (physically) every day. We drive to our desk jobs where we sit and email, tweet, text, or (gasp!) call people all day. Rarely do we stand up and actually walk to go talk to someone. Our bodies are designed to move! And everything that has been designed to make our lives "easier," is actually doing more harm than good to our physical well-being. 


  • Take 15 minutes and walk during your lunch break before you eat. Walk around the outside of the building, walk up and down the halls, or walk with a coworker. 
  • Schedule a walking meeting. Research has shown that we have increased brain activity during and immediately after exercise. Who knows? Maybe you'll come up with a new strategy or business plan! 
  • Take the stairs whenever possible. 
  • Lose the office chair.  Sit on a Fit Ball. 
  • Set an alarm on your phone to get up once every hour and do something as simple as stand up and stretch. Reach your hands over your head, lean side to side, stretch your legs, and breathe! Take 5 deep breaths before you sit back down. You may be surprised at how much more energy you have!
Wake Up Earlier!

Wake Up Earlier!