Wake Up Earlier!

Wake Up Earlier!

One of the top reasons I hear from people of why they don’t exercise, is that they don’t have time. I get it. We are all very busy and once our day starts unfolding it can be very difficult to figure out a time when we can fit in a work out. My solution? Wake up earlier. I know this is difficult. I am not an early riser by default. But once you start this behavior and make it a habit, it will get easier. Here are a few tips to help you get up and get moving.

  • Start slowly. Begin by setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier than normal. Even if you start by only doing 20-30’ of an easy exercise routine, it’s more than you WERE getting prior to starting this. 
  • The next week, try for 45 minutes earlier and bump up your time and intensity of your exercise routine.
  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier. This way you’re not getting any less sleep at all!
  •  Have a good attitude about it before you go to sleep. Studies have shown that the same thoughts and emotion that we experience before we drift off to sleep are the same we wake up with. If you have a positive attitude before you sleep, it will help you accomplish your goal in the morning.
  • Meet a friend, or exercise with your partner. If there’s someone else holding you accountable to be there, you are much more likely to get up and get moving.
  • Lay everything out that you will need the night before. The easier you make the morning, the better. Put your clothes and sneakers right by your bed, or in the bathroom. Have your water bottle ready. Have an exact plan of what your workout will be.


  • Exercise gives you an energy boost that can effect your entire day!
  • There are fewer distractions early in the morning than there are throughout the rest of your day. No phones will ring. No one (usually) will text you. Your kids are still sleeping.
  • You don’t have to worry all day about trying to fit a workout in, or feel guilty about not having done it at the end of the day.  You will have already done it!
  • Tell yourself “I will not regret it if I DO get up and do my workout, but I WILL regret it later if I DON’T do it.” This always works for me. I have never once regretted actually doing the workout.
  • You will tend to make better food choices throughout your day.
  • This time is just for YOU! Take advantage and relish in this one thing that you are doing for you and only you. It may just turn out to be your favorite time of the day!

Have additional ideas of how to get out of bed and exercise?  We'd love to hear them!

5 Tips To Make the Time When Early Morning Exercise Won't Work

5 Tips To Make the Time When Early Morning Exercise Won't Work

